General Manager, IBM China/Hong Kong Limited

Mimi Poon is the General Manager of IBM Hong Kong, responsible for the IBM business in Hong Kong and Macao region. She leads the company to assist clients in digital transformation by adopting a hybrid cloud and AI platform.
In 2021, Mimi was the Hong Kong Technology Leader overseeing the full spectrum of IBM Technology and Services brands, driving end-to-end digitalization and innovation with cutting-edge integrated solutions for clients across industries. From 2014 to 2020, Mimi was Director, Banking and Finance, leading IBM Hong Kong’s business in the financial services sector. She is responsible for IBM’s relationships with financial services firms, helping them transform their businesses to increase efficiencies while creating customer value within the rapidly changing regulatory, business and technology landscapes. Before that, she was IBM Global Client Director for HSBC, supporting the client’s business operations across the globe. Mimi is also an IBM Industry Academy member and a trusted advisor and partner to banks in the Greater China region.
Besides her IBM role, Mimi is a member of the Advisory Committee of the Department of Systems Engineering and Engineering Management of The Chinese University of Hong Kong, the Advisory Committee of the IT Innovation Lab in School Programmes under the Office of the Government Chief Information Officer, and the ICT Services Advisory Committee of the Hong Kong Trade Development Council.
潘鳳瑤自二零二二年五月起擔任國際商業機器中國香港有限公司(IBM)總經理,掌管IBM在香港和澳門區的業務及策略性發展。 潘氏領導IBM香港協助客戶進行數碼轉型,致力以IBM混合雲和人工智能平台及方案,助客戶緊握香港和大灣區的增長機遇。
出任現職前,潘氏於二零二一年起擔任IBM香港科技業務部總監,負責IBM所有技術和支援服務品牌,為各行各業的客戶提供尖端的解決方案,推動端到端的數碼轉型和創新。在二零一四至二零二零年, 潘氏為IBM香港銀行及金融業總監,領導 IBM在金融服務領域的業務,幫助客戶轉型以提高效率,同時在快速變化的監管、業務和技術環境中創造客戶價值。在此之前,她是匯豐銀行的IBM全球客戶總監,支援客戶在全球的業務運營。潘氏還是IBM行業學院的成員,也是大中華區銀行信賴的顧問和合作夥伴。