President, Lenovo Solutions & Services Group, Lenovo HK Services Limited

Mr Ken Wong is President of Lenovo Solutions and Services Group (SSG), and since 2015, a member of Lenovo Executive Committee. As Executive Vice President of Lenovo and President of SSG, Mr. Wong is tasked with transforming Lenovo from the world’s largest PC and laptop company into a global leader in IT solutions and services. SSG’s wide spectrum of offerings – support services, managed services, and global vertical solutions and services – aims to empower clients to solve some of the most pressing IT and business challenges.
Prior to this role, he led Lenovo Asia Pacific PCs and Smart Devices for five years, where he grew the business to the number one position. He was chairman of NEC Lenovo Japan Group, (2016 to 2021) and Fujitsu Client Computing Limited (2018 to early 2021), where he remains a member of the board of directors. Previously, he was responsible for driving the development and implementation of Lenovo’s global corporate strategy, reporting to Chairman and CEO of the Company Mr. Yang Yuanqing. Mr Wong graduated from The University of Hong Kong with a Bachelor of Engineering in Computer Science. He also holds an Executive MBA jointly awarded by The University of Hong Kong, Columbia University and the London Business School.
黃建恒先生乃聯想方案服務業務集團 (Solutions and Services Group,以下簡稱SSG) 主席,自2015年起成為全球聯想執行委員會成員。SSG成立於 2021 年 4 月,作為SSG總裁及聯想執行副總裁,黃先生負責驅動聯想從全球最大的個人電腦和筆記本電腦公司轉型成為全球IT解決方案和服務領域的領導者。SSG憑藉豐富的產品組合,包括支持服務、運維服務及項目解決方案和服務,幫助客戶應對最迫切的IT與業務挑戰。