Message from Mr Daniel Lai JP
President, Hong Kong Computer Society

Message from the Hon. Henry Tang GBS, JP
Secretary for Commerce, Industry and Technology

Message from Professor Paul C.W. Chu
Chairman, Panel of Judges
President of Hong Kong University of Science and Technology

Message from Mrs Agnes Mak JP
Chairman, Organizing Committee

Message from Mr Daniel Lai

President, Hong Kong Computer Society

The IT industry is today experiencing unprecedented global challenges. It is therefore particularly encouraging to note that Hong Kong has made a strong and special point of turning challenge into opportunity by developing and bringing to market many useful and
popular IT applications and products in order to create fresh value for all kinds of business.

The IT Excellence Awards, organized by the Hong Kong Computer Society, help to celebrate and encourage this Hong Kong strength. Whether our entrants have taken a fresh look at old ideas or have come up with completely original concepts, their achievements have all experienced the tests of the marketplace and shown the extent to which they can contribute to a better society.

Through these Awards, first instituted in 1998, Hong Kong IT proponents have become thoroughly familiar with the disciplines and procedures that go along with rigorous and fair assessment and judging. This has in turn led to higher and higher standards of selfselection. The knock-on effect has been remarkable and I am delighted to report that Hong Kong achieved the best results among the participating countries and cities in the Asia Pacific Information and Communication Technology Awards (APICTA) 2002. Eight Hong Kong companies took part in five categories and won the grand award in four categories.

With the almost complete collapse of the bubble, real value creation must now be our watchword. The quality of this year's entries deepens my conviction that Hong Kong can really exploit IT to become even more competitive through higher productivity and
stronger societal benefits.

Message from the Hon. Henry Tang

Secretary for Commerce, Industry and Technology

The IT Excellence Awards 2002 Presentation Ceremony today is a prestigious occasion for the local IT industry. The Awards aim to recognise local talents for developing innovative IT products and services that promote the wider use of IT in the business sector and the community at large. Since the launch of the award scheme in 1998, it has become one of the most prestigious events in the local IT industry.

I would like to take this opportunity to compliment the Hong Kong Computer Society for its commitment and dedication over the years to organise innovative and meaningful events to upgrade the tandard of IT professionals in Hong Kong and drive the adoption of IT in the community. I would also like to congratulate the award winners this year for their innovation, creativity and hard work in developing good quality IT applications and products, which will help stimulate and foster an increasingly mature IT culture in Hong

Message from Professor Paul C.W. Chu
Chairman, Panel of Judges

President of Hong Kong University of Science and Technology

My heartfelt congratulations go to the winners of the IT Excellence Awards 2002 whose ingenuity and technological expertise have created masterpieces that earmark Hong Kong's
IT advances over the year past.

I would also like to pay tribute to the other participants too. All 40 entries offer intelligent IT solutions to commerce and industry, showing how information technologies can help advance the knowledge era. A considerable number of entries this year were submitted by SMEs, along with other enterprises. Hong Kong's concerted efforts to harness science and technology to create a vibrant economy is clearly gaining good momentum.

The success of this year's IT Excellence Awards should be attributed to everyone involved; the Organizing Committee in particular has wholeheartedly worked toward its realization.
Fellow judges who helped select the awardees did an excellent job which was by no means easy.

Finally, a vote of thanks is due to the Hong Kong Computer Society. Its unwavering effort to champion the cause of IT in Hong Kong dates back to the 1970s, when IT was still unheard of. Today, information technologies constitute an indispensable part of our life, and the IT Excellence Awards have chronicled these exciting changes in Hong Kong over the past 3 decades. Everyone in Hong Kong, and not only the winners, can take pride in these achievements that stand for the pursuit of excellence.

Message from Mrs Agnes Mak
Chairman, Organizing Committee

This is the fifth edition of the IT Excellence Awards, and I am pleased to say that the Organizing Committee is continuing to innovate in order to maximize the benefits of the Awards to the technology industry and the community as a whole.

The most significant new element in this year's scheme is the introduction of an extra stream of awards that recognizes the major contribution that small and medium enterprises (SMEs) make to Hong Kong's economy. The response to this carefully targeted opportunity has been most encouraging and we are proud to showcase the way in which Hong Kong's SMEs continue to challenge global players with IT applications and products that work hard but very successfully for their living.

I would like to thank the many organizations and individuals who have contributed their talents and resources. Their experience and dedication has helped us immeasurably to reinforcing the value of the Awards.

Finally, my sincere thanks to the panel of judges and the assessors, who have been more than diligent in sifting through the entries to find the truly meritorious and the worthy winners.